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Hon. Philip Agbese entered the House of Representatives with an expansive agenda that includes people-oriented legislation, youth empowerment, job creation, crisis resolution, and peace efforts among others.

Political officeholders have often been measured by the 100-day standard. As Agbese inches closer to crossing the milestone, here is a look at where he stands on some key benchmarks.

Legislative Oversight

Chapter One, Section Four of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution vests the House of Representatives with the power to make laws for the peace, order, and good governance of the Federation. Legislative oversight, meanwhile, is a tool for lawmakers to perform its role of checks and balances in a democracy and involves keeping an eye on the activities of government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) with the sole aim of informing the public as well as correcting ills in governance.

Agbese has done this with aplomb. He has held the executive accountable for its actions, ensuring that it implements policies following the laws and budget passed by the legislature. He has been a vocal member of the parliament, raising people-oriented motions and bills. For instance, Agbese was instrumental in the approval of palliatives and other measures to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal.

Record Bills

Agbese not only hit the ground running but showed that he came prepared for the job. The Enone Servant was among the first lawmakers to sponsor a bill in the 10th National Assembly. Charismatic, articulate, and focused, he is a constant feature during plenary.

Eleven of his bills have passed first reading – a record for a first-timer. That figure puts him among the top five in the entire 10th House of Reps. A trailblazer, he has shown an exceptional appetite for the welfare of Nigerians.

Half of the proposed legislation is targeted towards the creation of institutions of learning across the country, a testament to Agbese’s drive for youth empowerment and poverty alleviation through skills acquisition and formal learning. He recognises knowledge as a tool to end insecurity and hardship.

One of the schools will potentially be sited in his constituency to bring development and education closer to his people. He also sorts the creation of medical and other infrastructures. Another bill could see the establishment of a Federal University of Information and Communication Technology, keeping up with the internet revolution and IT global reawakening.

But perhaps, Agbese’s biggest statement yet is the Bill on Non-Oil Mineral Resources Producing Communities Development Commission (Establishment). This legislation will potentially cater for the neglected natives of non-oil-producing communities – which Benue people will directly benefit from.

Standing/ Ad Hoc Committee

When Agbese was named as the Deputy Charman House Committee on Media and Public Affairs/ Deputy Spokesman of the House, it didn’t come as a surprise. The Enone Servant has carved a niche for himself in the media space as a reputable writer, social critic, public affairs commentator, and human rights activist.

These attributes beamed in the House. Agbese is not afraid to delve into perceived bellicose issues as long as it is for the good of the common man. He is likened to the Class Reps of the House who speak his mind no matter who is involved. In one instance, he raised a motion to probe the alleged theft of crude oil.

This was immediately accepted by his colleagues and an ad hoc committee was set up to look into the debacle. With Agbese’s depth of knowledge and guidance, the Reps have already uncovered the mystery that has wrecked eternal leakage to our economy. He also served on the committee investigating TETFund projects across the nation.

Job Creation/ Youth Empowerment

Agbese pledged to empower Enone youth to succeed in different endeavours and has already set the ball running. No fewer than 1,000 young natives will benefit from his mini-bursary scheme and the list of beneficiaries is still being collated.

The Enone Servant has also opened his doors to innovative ideas and potential business partnerships with his constituents. He describes it as intellectual-based projects, in which he recommends or referees eligible persons for jobs and appointments.

Peace Talks / Crisis Resolution

Agbese believes if his people must thrive, it must be in a serene and peaceful environment. He reckons that crises are never the way forward. Hence, the lawmaker has already initiated peace efforts to end needless killings in his constituency.

One of his first steps was a meeting with the member representing Ebonyi/ Ohaukwu Federal Constituency, Hon. Eze Nwachukwu. Agbese has also met with other stakeholders to bring lasting solutions.


The pace of the 10th NASS has been precluded by numerous litigations and recesses. Agbese, himself, was dragged to court on four different occasions. This is enough to distract even the most immersed lawmakers.

However, the Enone Servant has remained resolute. While acknowledging the enormity of the tasks, he is well on track to surmount them. His victories at the tribunal meant he was destined to bring progress to his people. Let’s keep hope alive!

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