Why I attend Islamic gatherings, join Ramadan – Prophet Ogundipe

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Founder and Shepherd of the Celestial Church of Christ Genesis Global, Prophet Israel Ogundipe, speaks with BIODUN BUSARI about his humble beginning, doctrines, among other issues

What challenges do you face in  ministry?

When I entered the ministry, I prepared myself for challenges. The Bible says that if the Lord has not built the house, the labourer labours in vain. I know challenges will come but I don’t see how they will appear. All I know is that whatever comes my way is an opportunity for advancement. I was born into Islam. My Muslim name was Wasiu. My mother’s name was Risikat and my father’s name was Sulaiman. My parents joined the Christ Apostolic Church in the 1980s.

The pathetic story that took me to the Celestial Church of Christ was when my mother was mocked by a member of the church. My parents were so poor that my mother used to wear one set of clothes to church. The woman who mocked her said in pidgin English, ‘Na she dey come church pass’, and ‘Na her life worse pass’, which means ‘despite being the member who attended church most, her life is the worst.’ As the first child of the family, I was enraged.

I loved my parents, and this particular incident touched me. This made me start attending the CCC. I was strolling down the road when I discovered the parish. What made me settle in the church was the flexibility in serving God. Contrary to what many people say that the CCC is a fetish gathering, the church was not like that. There are some parishes with that kind of activity, but not all. Although my parents didn’t like it when I joined the CCC, I overcame the challenge.

Is there a connection between your family background and your attendance of an Islamic gathering during Ramadan some time ago?

I don’t believe in religion. Christianity is not a religion. It is a way of life. I’m a preacher of love because there is no religion in heaven. I attend Ramadan lectures almost every year. I do Iftah with the Muslims. Some people who go to church are worse than pagans. Some people wear sutana (white garments) but are evil-minded. There are people not wearing sutana, and not using earrings, but are devilish.

Don’t forget that Jesus dined with sinners. I don’t see Muslims as sinners, they are pure-hearted. I’m very close to many Muslims. So, attending Islamic gatherings during Ramadan has nothing to do with my Muslim background. I do it because I’m both a servant and a servant-leader. Anytime I’m invited to come and teach as a leader, I do it to bring transformation to the people in that gathering.

There was an occasion where I asked the Muslims there to shout ‘Allahu akbar’ 21 times. The reason all of these were being talked about was because we had manipulative marketers as church leaders. Meanwhile, we have them in Islam too. Some Muslim clerics are like that. They are too rigid to be transformed. But this doesn’t stop me from preaching the gospel. I talk about morals and caring for parents. So, most of the teachings I do there are not about religion.

Is your church different from CCC in doctrines?

This church is the Celestial Church of Christ Genesis Global. We’re just transformational, not traditional. I’m a transformational leader and this shows in the books I read. I didn’t have tertiary education, but nobody would know unless I told them. I only believe in self-development. It’s not different but I’m passionate about growth.

We use altar, honey, perfumes, and incense; we don’t wear shoes, but we have other branches where people can put on shoes. They can wear mufti and shoes, but there is no altar. All of these things we do are in the Bible. But when you see those marketer church leaders I mentioned earlier, they will start condemning these because they are in the Old Testament. Meanwhile, they also collect tithes, a doctrine in the Old Testament. But here, we don’t go to  streams or bushes to pray. We don’t go to junctions to pray and all that.

Has the church or ministry become a business now as many church leaders seem to be commercialising the work of the ministry?

Church is not business. There are some evil-minded people who Satan is raising to be against Christendom. The issue is that some of our pastors are behind the criticisms against the church. When people go to consult Ifa priests, they talk to money. Can we call that a business? When they tell them to bring rams and other things, do they call it a business? The argument is that when you are genuinely called, and you face hardship, people will criticise you. But when the Lord blesses you, people begin to have this perception that men of God have turned the church into business.

It is the people who bless men of God with their resources. I may not talk about others, but I know myself; I have never been part of the church money. I don’t charge people. Our ongoing church project is through donations from members. There is no way people will not bless the men of God. In essence, what I’m saying is that leaders should not force people to give. They shouldn’t extort people. They shouldn’t intimidate or harass.

When there is hardship, we cut down on our budgets. Why do people who criticise church leaders don’t do the same with other religions? The reason is that most of the pastors are extravagant. In conclusion, the church is not a business centre.

One of the projects our church is working on is to have a school that will be free of charge. This project will be funded by people who want to partner God. Some people attack what is good because their lives are not good. Another factor causing all these criticisms is that some pastors are sponsoring people against their fellow pastors.

What is your perspective about tithes?

We pay tithes in my church. I pay tithes, but I don’t force members to pay tithes. I said it the other time; I’ve never been part of the church money. We use tithes to help widows in our church. But whatever people use tithes for in their churches doesn’t concern me, and I’m not judgmental.

You said a bank approached you to take a loan and repay with money realised from crusades. Did you accept the offer?

A bank approached me, but I didn’t have the mind to accept the loan.

Did the bank mention the churches that accepted such a loan?

I didn’t say the churches that accepted the loan did the wrong thing. Some churches abroad get loans, and it is not a crime. The reason why I declined the offer was because I didn’t have the mindset. I believe the work of God will grow. As long as it’s working for them, it’s none of my business. Some churches collecting loans are doing it in order not to extort their members.

You said you would vote for President Bola Tinubu in 2023 because he’s a Yoruba man. Don’t you think a man of God should be father to all regardless of tribe?

I supported President Bola Tinubu, but I never campaigned for him. I have the right to choose who I vote for. I don’t know him. I’m not seeking any favour from him. I intentionally did that because, during the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan, some people supported him as well confidently. Then, I supported Jonathan, and my wife didn’t support him. In the end, it was former President Muhammadu Buhari who won. However, many pastors manipulated their members to campaign for Jonathan.

Nobody can bring evidence against me to say that I campaigned for Tinubu, but I confidently supported him. Meanwhile, let me explain the video that got people talking. It was a day when I was preaching on loyalty, but some people edited the part. I asked people to vote for whoever they liked. I called a lady who happened to be from the South-East and I asked her who she would vote for, and she responded that she would vote for Peter Obi.

I called a guy; he said he would vote for Atiku Abubakar. Then, I said since you wanted to vote for Obi, I too would vote for Yoruba. I’m a Yoruba. The part where I said I would vote for Tinubu went viral. The country is hard. But what I will say is that the president sees that people are suffering and he’s trying. Whatever he does, God will reward him.

Will you support President Tinubu in 2027 if he contests bearing in mind the present economic hardship?

We are going through hardship. But my perception about life is that what hardship will teach you, comfort will not teach you. Many people are blaming the president. Why can’t we blame those who collected money to vote them in? All those women collected rice, clothes, and others. Many of these politicians who occupy offices got there by selling their property. That does not happen in America. Nigeria is hard, but no country is perfect.

This is a question for many people who are ranting. When Jonathan was there, some people were begging to eat. And some people made money. When former President Olusegun Obasanjo was there, some people didn’t like him, but he brought the telecommunication reform we are enjoying now. Let’s always be wise. When you are too entitled, you will lose your title. Many people have seven children with limited resources to take care of them, is it the fault of Tinubu? I’m not saying Nigeria is okay.

But I want to tell all our politicians; that you are there today, you are rejoicing. You have seen other people’s pictures in offices before, and they were removed. Just know that your pictures will be removed too. I’m passing such a message to Tinubu. I will never compromise. That I supported him does not mean I will say what Nigeria is going through is good.

What are your thoughts on Nigerian youths generally?

Life is all about seed time and harvest time. I want to talk to our leaders. Whatever you’re doing, you’re sowing. I want to talk to our youths. Whatever you’re doing, you’re sowing.

A time will come when you will harvest, just like we’re going to have a harvest in our church. In the next two weeks, we’re going to have a harvest. Our harvest is a harvest of turning point; it is from the 13th to the 15th of December.

As the Bible says, those who know their God shall be strong and will do exploit. Know what you stand for. You will not fall for anything. Ignore your detractors because they are not the ones that will take you to your destination. Don’t focus on what will not benefit you. Focus on what will transform your life because what you pay attention to determines your acceleration, manifestation, and transformation.

Also, understand the place of association. Surround yourself with productive, effective, and proactive people, and you will be a champion. Remember, your crown is not in the crowd. It’s not about who left you or what left you. It’s about what you do with what you are left with.

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