Buhari paying lip service to fight against insurgency by retaining Pantami in cabinet -PFN

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The  Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria has said that defence mounted by the Buhari administration for the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami has shown that the government is just paying lip service to the  fight against insecurity and Boko Haram insurgency.


The Christian body described the government’s stance on Pantami’s case and his continued stay in the Buhari administration as absurd and ludicrous.


This was contained in a statement issued by PFN’s President, Bishop Wale Oke which was signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Bishop Emmah Isong.

According to the statement, PFN said Pantami should have resigned or get sacked on account of his antecedent.

The statement read, “That Pantami is still in Buhari’s government tells much about who we are and the mockery that trails us. What is the man still doing in government; why has he not resigned or why has he not been sacked?


“There are more questions than answers or are we running a government of abradacabra, the more you look, the less you see?

“To us at the PFN, the Buhari’s government is not sincere in its alleged war against Boko Haram, killer herdsmen, and other criminalities. Do we have to look beyond our shoulders for the sponsors of the mindless killings and bloodshed currently ravaging our country? The answer is no! The government knows them.


“Regardless of our religions, where we come from, and who we are, Nigeria belongs to us all as enshrined in our constitution. That’s sacrosanct and must strictly be adhered to and respected by all.

“We want to urge President Buhari to rise above primordial sentiments and sectional attachments in dealing with the issue at hand. Frankly speaking, it’s no longer at ease for the nation and its people. We want Nigeria that we can proudly call our own. The present one we are all living in is nothing to write home about.”

It urged the government to do all within its reach to ensure that the sponsors of criminal activities in the country are fished out and brought to book in accordance with the law of the land.

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