RCCG youths shave head for Dare Adeboye

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FOLLOWING the death of Dare Adeboye, son of general overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, some youths in the Redeemed Christian Church of God have begun cutting their hair.

The act which is in honour of the late preacher have also seen young females loose their braids and observing a period of time without make-up.

Led by the general overseer’s last son, Leke Adeboye, the youths post photos of their bald head on social media with hashtag #PDee and #NotTodaySatan, I’m not leaving God.

It is followed by the write-up, “There is surely no fear in death, abundant life here and eternal life hereafter. Absent in the body, present with the Lord.”

“For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity”. Philippians 1:21.”

The funeral of Dare who died on May 5 began on Sunday with service of songs in Eket, Akwa Ibom where he was based with his family.

Leke said the cutting of the hair and beard was a tradition observed by RCCG youths when a youthful “soldier” or “hero” dies.

He shared a video on Instagram with the barber as he was about to begin shaving his head as a sign of honour.

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