‘Give us chairmanship position’, APC chieftains in North Central tell Tinubu

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Leaders and chieftains of the All Progressive Congress (APC) from the North Central region have called for the zoning of the National Chairmanship position of the party to the region.

The leaders said the region deserves the position due to its formidable contributions to the development of the party and the unique backing to the administration of President Bola Tinubu.

The call which was made at their meeting which was held via Zoom on Thursday, also had in attendance leaders of the North Central APC Forum, as well as other party stalwarts and pressure groups from the region.

Briefing newsmen on the meeting outcome, on behalf of the party chieftains, in Jos the Plateau State capital, Saleh Mandung Zazzaga (via phone) said the meeting was successful, and that topmost on their agenda was their demand for the APC National Chairmanship position.

Zazzaga who was also a member of the Presidential Campaign Council in the last election said apart from the tremendous contribution of the North Central to the development and sustenance of the APC over the years, as well as being a formidable force and support base of President Bola Tinubu’s administration, the region, since the post-military era, has largely contributed to the democratic growth in the nation.

He said they deserve the National Chairmanship position of the party, to ensure fairness and equity, adding that the president and convention planning committee should acknowledge this fact and therefore take their demand very seriously and take action accordingly.

Zazzaga stressed that the North Central region has strong men and women who can fit in and perform creditably well as the party’s National Chairman, including people like Chief Amos Gizo, Engr. Sani Ndanusa, Hajia Salamatu Baiwa, Gbenle Adeyemi, Ahmed Aliyu Tijani, Mrs Mary Nieyor Isa, Hon. Ahmed Musa Ibeto, Yahaya Bello (immediate past Kogi State governor), Yewuti Zubaru Jibrin, Mohammed Audu, among others.

Furthermore, he explained that they are already in consultation with other stakeholders, interest groups as well as members and supporters of the party from the region, so that they can have a united front and pursue their common cause of clinching the National Chairmanship seat.

He urged the governors from the North Central, who are mostly of the APC, to support their mission strongly.

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