Firm Renovates Road, Provides Drainage For Odagbo Community In Kogi

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A coal mining company, Koyla Energy Limited, has renovated some kilometres of road and done a culvert/drainage for the people of Odagbo community of Ankpa local government area in Kogi state.

In a statement by the public relations officer of Koyla Energy Limited, Jibrin Ogohi, he said he recently inspected the work done alongside the district head and community leaders of Odagbo. He said the company is concerned about the community’s infrastructural development. Also, he said drainage and culverts were the things provided for the community.

He said: “At Koyla Energy Limited, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our operations. We believe in contributing positively to the communities that host us. We have renovated a 5-kilometre road in Odagbo, Okaba community for improved accessibility and convenience of the people. Our efforts extend to education with the complete renovation of the Odagbo Community School building. Again, several sewing machines were given out in our Women Empowerment Initiative in the community. The construction of drainage and culvert is an addition to other works we have done in the community.”

Speaking on behalf of the community, the district head of Okaba, Prince Yunusa Oruma, thanked Koyla Energy Limited for all the firm has done in the community. He added that the drainage built will allow for the free flow of water during the rainy season.

Established in 2017, Koyla Energy Limited is a pioneering force in the Nigerian coal mining industry.

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