Rejecting ungodly sexual advances improves your life!

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I am your biggest fan and I regularly check for your articles. Whenever I read one of your articles, I always learn something new. A few days ago, as I was thinking on my own, Proverbs 31:3 suddenly came to mind. “My son, do not spend all of your energy on sex and all of your money on women; they have destroyed kings,” Lemuel’s mother admonished him. My spirit now started to reflect more deeply. According to a thought, this actually means that many kings who were intended to rule were aborted due to a carefree lifestyle and an inability to control their manhood. I only told myself, “I must keep a firm line that I must not cross, and o God of heaven, grant me the grace to prevail, for no man shall prevail by his own strength,” and that was it. Please, help me! Males need to be addressed as well because they are unaware of the dangers of immoral sex! Keep up the good work, please!

by Mat Labile

Kindly, ma

We praise God for you. To pay for my studies, I have to work as a housekeeper. Now, the 75-year-old head of the home asks me to romance him whenever his wife is away so he can fix my problems. I don’t want to participate in such a thing because I believe that God will provide a solution to the difficulties my family is facing and other issues. I want to know: Could it be the exit? Should I give in to his demands? What should I do, kindly?

oh my dear,

Since most girls would readily accept the offer, take the old man to the pinnacles of ecstasy, and “turn his head and use his head” like no man’s business, believe me when I say that I am impressed with you. But I’m telling you, that’s where trouble and prostitution start! If you had no fear of God, you would have started a romance with this elderly man and eventually taken him to bed. You’ll be taking the biggest chance of your life, and the old man might suffer a heart attack from taking too much ecstasy, which his health probably can’t handle. What would happen if he passed away directly on top of you?

Look, the devil is a cunning being who knows how to end great destinies with seemingly good things that are only temporary. He is skilled at putting you in a position where you forfeit the amazing things God has planned for your future!

Can you imagine what would have happened to Joseph in the Bible if he had slept with Mrs. Portiphar to find solace? Most likely, his master would have found out about the affair, and he would have perished in jail! He thankfully rejected her advances because of his fear of God and the presence of God within him, and part of his submission was, “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” Gibor 39:9. God could have given him the entire world if He had wanted to, but He chose to give him Himself instead of fleeting comfort. In any case, at the tender age of 30, he was a slave in Egypt, where he later rose to the position of prime minister. What a wonderful God!

In their younger years, many of the successful and well-known Nigerians I know worked as domestic helpers, but today, not only do they have an abundance of wealth they can never spend, but their fame also opens doors for those around them!

Please, my darling, wait on the Lord and have courage! You have earned yourself a high score in heaven, I assure you, for resisting your boss’s seductive advances! Please be prepared for a special delivery from God before the month is out! A rare gem like you deserves the best things in life, and someone is coming to sponsor your education and help you access them without expecting anything in return! Best wishes, my dear!

In the mighty name of Jesus, may extraordinary glory and phenomenal rising be the lot of everyone who chooses God over the devil during difficult times!

I invite you to follow me on Instagram at @okeowotemilolu and on Facebook at TEMILOLU OKEOWO.

Are you still having sex before getting married? You lose value with every action! Your miracles are ready to begin. God is eagerly anticipating your secondary virginity! Welcome to the chastity campaign train, my friend. All girls and women are welcome at Girls Club. Text 07086620576 with your name, age, place of employment, and state of residence.

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