Tinubu: Pastor Poju was ‘attacked’ after urging Nigerians to accept results of 2023 election

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A contentious tweet from Pastor Poju Oyemade, Senior Pastor and Founder of The Covenant Nation, urging Nigerians to accept Bola Tinubu’s victory in the 2023 presidential election, has drawn harsh online rebuke.

In a tweet shared on Twitter, the clergy compared the 2023 presidential election to a football game, emphasizing that winning is the most important factor regardless of the players involved.

No matter who is playing, everyone who loves Nigeria wants the nation to win, he wrote in a tweet. When your team scores, you are happy, just as you want them to win the championship even if the coach didn’t use your preferred players. Keep your attention on the prize: winning for the nation.

Poju was harshly criticized by many online users for the post, and he did not hesitate to block them from appearing on his timeline.

@kunmydrey wrote: “Pastor Poju Oyemade is blocking people because they are criticizing his sermon, which exhorts Believers to accept CORRUPTION or MANIPULATION and move on as if nothing happened. It’s not the same pastor that I suggested others listen to. I believed that the Goal was heaven. So many people have been corrupted by Bola Tinubu.

Pastor Poju, please exercise caution, wrote @Harmless12345. You’re now defying instructions from our WhatsApp HQ and the script.

“The idea is to gaslight them and mislead them with your bad preaching. Blocking them would only make our motives clear. Please be careful threading; our admin is not pleased.

“Pastor Poju, commit your life to Christ,” @mimikanulor wrote. Quit misleading your members. Turning to Christ is still possible today.

Christ didn’t die so that self-serving clergymen like pastor Poju could take the pulpit, as @austrostine stated. The church in Nigeria is demeaning Christianity.

“Can we help Pastor Poju understand that BAT’s rise to power involved destruction, theft, and life loss?” asked @NaijaFlags. Is this in line with what the Lord teaches? Many Christians still find it difficult to pardon Satan because of his evil deeds.

Pastor Poju blocked a large number of his churchgoers after they disapproved of his prankish tweet, according to @alonika.

Pastor Poju, you can block me all you want, wrote @Franeb.However, it’s the same as if you had told Wururwuru to provide the solution for your kid. As long as they’re moving forward, it doesn’t matter how they arrive at the results. A supposed “Man of God” saying this is extremely dishonorable.

Get New DJ Mixes According to @azange_peter, “Pastor Poju Oyemade sees nothing wrong with illegality! He thinks that winning at all costs is worth it, regardless of the price. He desires that all Nigerians rejoice over the “victory” of our team, regardless of “who is playing.” If Nigeria plays players from Guinea or those on”

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