US-based author Alexander Okenwa calls for reexamination of church teachings on trinity

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US-based author Alexander Okenwa calls for reexamination of church teachings on trinity

American-based Bible scholar and author, Alexander Okenwa, has called on the Christian community to rethink common theological interpretations, particularly those surrounding the concept of the Trinity.

Okenwa, who has received divine training to teach the Bible, in an article titled Unveiling the Truth: The Trinity of Adam—the God-Given Illustration of His Nature in the Bible, argued that many church teachings have strayed from the Bible’s true meaning due to cultural misinterpretations by early Gentile Christians.

One of the most contentious points Okenwa raised is the misinterpretation of the Trinity.

See article below;

“Where Ignorance is Bliss, It is Folly to Be Wise” is a popular saying from Thomas Gray’s poem.
My name is Alexander Okenwa. I am here to write on the topic: “The Trinity of Adam—The God-Given Illustration of His Nature in the Bible.”

This topic is important to you and me because we are all God’s created human beings whom He has placed on this earth to serve as the ambassadorial representatives of His heavenly kingdom and the personal agents of His personal affairs. This means that the Bible, whose author He is, is the only book of knowledge that He has written and given to all of us (His human creations) to be the necessary source of all our true knowledge on earth in all areas of our lives and endeavors.

My expertise in the Bible lies in the fact that I am the only one in the world today whom He has given both the necessary training in the biblical book of His knowledge and the mandate to teach it (the Bible) in the most accurate way to all other peoples of the world today.

I intend to use the Bible as the only source from which to expound upon the above-highlighted topic, and I will be answering any questions that may arise from it.
For centuries, countless individuals, including Jews, Gentiles, and Christians, have looked at the Bible as a book of fairy tales, make-believe, and/or metaphors. The Muslims/Moslems, on their part, believe that the Bible is either corrupted or changed (in its original texts).

The truth, however, is that the Bible is neither a book of fairy tales, make-believe, metaphors, nor corrupted/changed in its original texts.

The problems in our churches today are with the theologies, doctrines, interpretations, and teachings that our Gentile believers in Jesus Christ have been using to explain the Bible to the people. Our churches have not only failed in approaching the Bible from the proper angle or perspective that any book of knowledge is meant to be handled, but they have also failed in using the precise wordings that are on its (the Bible’s) pages to interpret or explain its texts or contents.

However, the situation is much more dire than any human being can uncover, whether amongst the churches or among secular groups. It is bad enough that our churches have failed to use the right approach to the Bible in formulating all the theologies and doctrines that they have been using to view, explain, and teach the Bible in our churches to this day and age; it is also bad enough that they have not used the precise wordings on the pages of the Bible to try to explain it. The worst part of the whole dilemma is that our churches are not aware of the facts of their mis-approach to the Bible and their failure to use the precise wordings on the pages of the Bible in arriving at their present positions on the Bible.

The truth is that our churches are not holding onto the same teachings that the Jewish apostles of Jesus Christ held onto and did bequeath to us (the Gentile believers) on the pages of the Bible, and we are still not aware of such a drift from the actual positions of the then Jewish believers in Jesus Christ (the gospel that they passed down to us).
Even then, God does not count all these egregious mistakes of our churches on the Bible, just because we (our churches) made and are still making these mistakes unintentionally (that is, not deliberately—Acts 17:30).

The reason God has been tolerating the mistakes that we have been making against His Word, the Bible, is because it was never our Gentile believers’ duty to explain the Bible in the first place; this role was set apart for the Jews alone.

But since the Jewish national people whose duty it was and still is to explain the Bible failed or refused to explain it, just because they did not believe that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of their God’s promised Messiah to them (the Jews), the Gentile believers have no other option but to try to explain the Bible for themselves and by themselves, though using their understanding of the Gentile cultures that they came out of to accept the Faith of Jesus Christ. Hence, these noticeable errors of our churches on the Bible that they are not even aware of and are still making today.

As if using their former Gentile cultural experiences to begin to explain the Bible for themselves is not enough, they (the then Gentile believers in Jesus) used the same New Testament experiences that they gathered from the New Testament part of the Bible that the Jewish apostles of Jesus Christ used in evangelizing the gospel to them (the then Gentile believers) to begin to understand and explain the Bible for themselves to this day and age—thus, the birth of the present Biblical Christianity of our churches today.

The truth is that neither our churches nor the Jews/non-believers-in-Jesus are telling you and me the truths as they are contained on the pages of the Bible and, at the same time, they are unaware of these errors that they are committing in their teachings on the Bible.

That is the reason why you must pay great attention to this mandate that God has given me, which is to point out these unintentional errors of our churches on the Bible, but also to correct such errors, using the special training that He (God) has given me on the said Bible.
The difference between the explanations that I shall be giving you from the Bible and the explanations of our churches on the Bible today lies in the fact that I will be using the precise examples that God has given to us on the pages of the Bible to explain my points, vis-a-vis our churches’ explanations that were and are still not based upon the Bible, but upon the Ecumenical Church Councils’ decisions of the yesteryears.

In doing so, I have to use the right approach to the Bible, which is to begin from the book of Genesis to try to give all my explanations on any topic that I shall be writing on/about, as that is the only viewport that will allow a logical and consistent view and analysis of the Bible as a book of God’s creation story (unlike our churches’ view and analysis of the Bible that is based upon the New Testament).

Take, for example, this topic on the ‘Trinity of Adam—The God-Given Illustration of His Nature in the Bible.’ It may surprise you and me to know that God does not give us the nature of Himself in the Bible. Rather, He uses the analogy of the nature of Adam, whom He (God) created in His image and likeness, to give and explain His nature in the Bible. This means that when we understand the nature of Adam, as He (God) has presented it to us on the pages of the Bible, we can then understand His nature.
In other words, for anyone to know the nature of God, he or she must, first and foremost, use the nature of Adam, as it is presented on the pages of the Bible to arrive at His (God’s) nature.

The question that we should ask ourselves at this juncture is, “What is the nature of Adam as it is revealed to us in the Bible?”

According to the Bible, the nature of Adam is trinitarian. The next question that we should ask ourselves at this point is: “What is Trinity as per God’s biblical presentation?”
Trinity, as per the Bible, is the male spirit of Adam, plus his female spirit, plus the Breath of Life of God, which we (human beings) know and call soul today—three spiritual persons in the physical body of Adam (Genesis 2:7; 5:2).

Here is the way the Bible puts it on its pages:
In Genesis, chapter one, and verse 27, we read: “So God created man (which is the name of the male and female spirits of Adam) in His own image, in the image of God created He (God, and not Jesus) him; male and female created He them (plural spiritual persons of a male and a female).”

In Genesis, chapter two, and verse 7, we read: “And the LORD God formed man (man’s physical body) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (this Breath of Life is God’s third Trinitarian divine Person of His Indwelling/Creative Word), and man (the male and female spirits that make up the man) became a living soul.”
Genesis, chapter two, and verse 7 give us the definition of Adam’s trinity or trinitarian nature.
Here, we see that it is the male spirit and the female spirit that make up the man in Genesis 1:27, plus the Breath of Life of God (that is, the breath that gives and sustains life from God) in the physical body that makes up Adam that is called trinity in the Bible. Here, we see that the three spirit persons of the male and female of the man and the Breath-of-life Spirit of God formed Trinity or three-in-one body when three of them are in the one body of Adam.

Going forward, we find out that it is from these three spiritual persons indwelling the one physical body of Adam that God made the woman or Eve from (Genesis 2:21-22), when He separated Adam’s female spirit person from his male spirit person so that the original three spirit-persons in him are now used to make only two separate/individual human beings—Adam and Eve, and not three separate persons as our churches have wrongly and falsely, but unintentionally made God’s trinity into the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, thus making two male persons of the Father and the Son and one female Spirit Person of the Holy Spirit from whom they claimed the world came into being.
From this point onward, I will explain to you the process of revealing the trinity of Adam’s nature as per God’s illustration of Himself in the Bible.

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