Knowing Your Family’s Medical History

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Often wonder why they say blood is thicker than water. This means our genes play a strong role in connecting us as a family. As a kid I remember falling sick shortly after my brother, it all makes sense now. Being connected by genes and staying in the same environment has played a key role in the similarities of our health situations.

I am an Igbo girl; of course, I must travel to the village for Christmas. One of the perks of these trips is learning our family tree. We meet our aunties and uncles, our cousins and other long lists of relatives and that’s when we realize that we share something in common, genes.
Family medical history is a record of health ailments, and health conditions that have transferred from one generation to the other. When we share genes, a roof over our heads and a plate every night, we are bound to have the same records, except our habits are different.

Family reunions are not just for eating pounded yam and egusi soup, it’s a time for us to reflect on our family records. Breaking family curses sounds like a ritual practice of divinations and incantations but it is just logical thinking from our family records and how we can move past those barriers and have a next generation living at peace. One such generational curse to break is our family’s medical records.
“One opportunity to get such information is in gatherings. Where we can ask about our grandparents, how they lived, how they died, and how ageing affected them. Knowing only gets you ready and prepared to use precautionary and preventive care, Centre’s for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) on Family Health History”.

The important reasons for knowing our family medical records include:
1. Genetic Understanding: Family medical history provides insight into inherited health conditions and genetic predispositions that may affect an individual’s health. By identifying familial health patterns and genetic predispositions, individuals can undergo early screenings and preventive measures to detect and mitigate health risks before they escalate into more serious conditions.

2. Disease Prevention: Knowing familial health patterns allows individuals to be proactive in preventing certain diseases by adopting lifestyle changes or undergoing early screenings. Family health records enable healthcare providers to tailor personalized treatment plans and interventions based on an individual’s genetic predispositions and familial health history, leading to more effective and targeted healthcare outcomes.

3. Early Detection: Awareness of familial health issues enables early detection of potential health risks, facilitating timely medical interventions and treatment. Access to family health records empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health, lifestyle choices, and healthcare options. This knowledge allows them to proactively manage their health and well-being.

4. Personalized Healthcare: Family medical history helps healthcare providers tailor personalized treatment plans and screenings based on genetic predispositions and familial health trends. Understanding family health history facilitates better management of chronic conditions and diseases by providing insights into potential complications, treatment responses, and preventive measures.

5. Health Management: Understanding family medical history empowers individuals to take control of their health, make informed healthcare decisions, and prioritize preventive measures. Overall, family health records contribute to improved health outcomes by facilitating early detection, personalized interventions, and informed decision-making, ultimately leading to better health and well-being for individuals and their families.

Understanding our family medical history can be a powerful tool in safeguarding our health and well-being. By knowing our genetic predispositions and the health conditions that run in our family, we can take proactive steps to mitigate risks, seek appropriate screenings, and make informed decisions about our lifestyle and healthcare.

Ultimately, embracing our family medical history empowers us to prioritize our health and work towards a healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.
So next time there is a family meeting, a family reunion, a family event or just a family visit, make sure to not just eat and make merry but to ask the right questions and use them as checkmates to navigate preventive care.

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