Lado Okhotnikov Reveals The Secrets Of The Realistic Meta Force Metaverse

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The Meta Force project, led by CEO Lado Okhotnikov, is positioned as a new stage in the development of virtual worlds. Here technology, reality and imagination merge to offer users a unique and immersive experience, as described in more detail in Motion Capture in the Meta Force Metaverse.

The use of motion capture technologies is an integral part of creating modern projects in the field of virtual reality. They enable the highest level of realism in animation and character movement, which is critical in providing an authentic and immersive virtual environment.

These technologies are widely used in the video game industry, films and other multimedia projects. They make it possible to reproduce the natural movements and behavior of virtual characters as accurately as possible, which significantly increases the level of immersion for users.

Meta Force developers actively use advanced motion capture to recreate the natural, life-like movements of characters as precisely as possible. They strive to ensure that every gesture, turn of the head or movement of the body looks extremely realistic and believable.

It is difficult to imagine a modern large-scale project in the field of virtual reality without the use of motion capture technologies,” noted Lado Okhotnikov. “They allow us to achieve the most realistic animation and character movements so that users feel completely immersed in the virtual world.”

Such meticulous care for details is key to achieving a completely engaging experience for users in the Meta Force virtual world. The team is aware that the slightest sign of “artificiality” can destroy the illusion of authenticity, so they pay special attention to this aspect.

From animation to immersion: Lado Okhotnikov on the role of motion capture technologies in the Meta Force project

The developers strive to ensure that the user cannot distinguish virtual reality from the physical one, creating a feeling of “secondary reality”.


The “secondary reality” effect is key to ensuring users are fully immersed in the Meta Force metaverse. Achieving maximum believability of a virtual environment, where the line between the real and the virtual practically disappears, is one of the most important tasks.


We strive to ensure that the average user cannot find a single hint of artificiality – only a complete and natural immersion in the metaverse,” emphasized Lado Okhotnikov.


The ultimate goal of the Meta Force project is to create a borderless, decentralized virtual world, where the line between the real and the virtual will practically disappear. The Meta Force team strives to ensure that their metaverse is as open, free and decentralized as possible. Users will be given unlimited opportunities to interact with the virtual world, beyond the control of developers.


Our goal is to create a truly limitless, decentralized virtual world, where the line between reality and virtuality will practically disappear,” concluded Lado Okhotnikov.

About Meta Force

The Meta Force project, led by Lado Okhotnikov, is positioned as a revolutionary step in the development of metaverses and virtual reality. It aims to be a new milestone where technology, reality and imagination merge to offer users a unique and immersive experience. Meta Force is based on the use of advanced motion capture technologies that allow you to achieve an unprecedented level of realism and immersion.


Based on Dan Michael’s materials

The head of Meta Force Press Center

[email protected] 








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