Lawyers Alert trains NTBLCP personnel on TB Human Rights Response

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A non-profit human rights organisation in Nigeria, Lawyers Alert, has trained personnel of National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli-Ulcer Control Programme on safeguarding rights of persons affected by Tuberculosis.

The training held in Abuja was aimed at equipping the NTBLCP personnel with relevant information regarding TB Human Rights Based response, was supported by the Stop TB Partnership.

The President of Lawyers Alert, Barrister Rommy Mom said the objective of the training includes deepening the skill and knowledge among the staff of NTBLCP on the nexus between the law, gender, rights and TB.

According to him, the training was also designed to share strategies on enhancing the effectiveness of the NTBLCP Human Rights and Gender Action plan.

Mom also said the training was meant to build synergy and collaboration with NTBLCP towards inclusive rights-based TB response in Nigeria. 

He called government, organisations and individuals to work together to address challenges facing persons affected by TB and the TB survivors.

Mom said this would enable TB patients to complete their treatment and live a life of dignity that guarantees and safeguards their rights.

He added that this would help to end TB in Nigeria by 2030.

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