Registrar Advocates Single Agency For Regulation Of Varsities’ Finances

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The registrar of the University of Ilorin, Barr. Mansur Alfa- Nla, has advised the federal government to designate an agency saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the finances of public universities in the country.

Alfa- Nla, who spoke with LEADERSHIP Sunday in Ilorin, said having different government establishments performing such function was counter-productive.

He said setting up a centralised body for monitoring universities’ finances would stave-off the inconsistencies that often arise due to divergent positions of the agencies currently saddled with the responsibility.

“Multiple agencies performing financial oversight function is very displeasing and retrogressive. If the government establishes a centralised body for that function, it will get rid of the inconsistencies that often arise due to divergent views of the agencies.

“One problem is the oversight function of different agencies performing one singular function. Honestly, it is very displeasing to have different agencies doing that. It is retrogressive and drawing the hands of the clock backwards.

“We have government institutions with overlapping functions. The National Assembly will come to look into our financial books, accountant-general will come, auditor-general will come, Nigeria University Commission (NUC) will come, Federal Ministry of Education will come, that is duplication of duty.

“I think there should be a designated body that will be doing this for and on behalf of the federal government so that it will be one body rather than multiplying such functions which often lead to inconsistencies. These agencies often have divergent views. What an agency acknowledges to have been done rightly, another one will come to say it has been done wrongly. So, let them come up with uniform policies and to be monitored by one body,” he said.

Alfa – Nla lamented the lack of funding for public institutions, saying, “Another problem we are facing is finance. Our universities, University of Ilorin inclusive, we are lacking funds but I’m certain things will improve.”

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