Seven Tips On Best Food For Cold And Flu

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These are packed with antioxidants and are also high in Potassium and Vitamin C, making them a top choice with doctors and nutritionists. Sprinkle on cereal, make muffins, or raw by the handful.

The compound Allicin, which can be extremely beneficial in the prevention of colds, is released when garlic is crushed. Simply add garlic to the food you cook. It can also be eaten raw, but you might breathe out the fumes for days.

Apart from being delicious, Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of Selenium, an immune booster. Selenium helps protect you from infection. Add them to cooked food, toss them in a salad or simply feast on them as a snack.

This is a rich source of Zinc, which aids in fighting infections in our bodies. Sprinkle wheat germ on your breakfast cereal and salads, or include it in any cooked food from casseroles to cakes.

Loaded not just with Vitamin C but they also contain an impressive list of other essential nutrients. They can be helpful in the battle against sore throats, colds and coughs.

Broccoli provides essential nutrients that may benefit your body when you have the flu. They include the immune-boosting vitamins C and E, along with calcium and fiber.

When you’re sick, a hot bowl of oatmeal can be a soothing, nutritious food choice. Oatmeal is a good source of several immune-boosting nutrients.

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