Police to arraign ex-Gov Ohakim, one other over alleged nude pictures circulation

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The former governor of Imo State , Chief Ikedi Ohakim and one Chinedu Okpareke have been dragged by the Inspector General of Police to the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.

The two suspects are expected to be arraigned before the court presided over by Judge Taiwo Taiwo on the 15th February, 2021, over the allegations of threat and harassment of Mrs. Chinyere Amuchinwa.

Okpareke was earlier arrested in connection with the offence and was detained in Suleja Correctional Center and later released upon his fulfilment of the bail conditions.

According to the charge number FHC/ABJ/CS/287/2020, the two accused persons were said to have threatened to release a nude photograph of Amuchienwa, if she fails to drop the charges of attempted kidnap against them.

But in his response to the threat, Amuchienwa told them to go to the extent of releasing the pictures to CNN.

In the five-count charge dated November 25, 2020 and signed by M.O. Omosun Esq., the police alleged that both Ohakim and his accomplice knowingly and intentionally transmitted communication through a computer system or network to harass and bully Amuchienwa.

According to the charge, the offence is punishable under Section 24(1)(a) of the Cybercrime Act 2015.

A prosecutor from the Nigeria Police, Mr Staley Nwodo, is expected to take over the case when the arraignment comes up on February 15.

Some of the charges read, ”That you Chinendu Okpareke ‘m’ 49, and Dr Ikedi Ohakim ‘m’ and others now at large on the 13th day of August 2020 within the jurisdiction of this court did conspire among yourselves by knowingly and intentionally send messages by means of computer system or network in a grossly offensive, pornographic, nude of an indecent obscene and menacing character of one Chinyere Amuchienwa ‘f’ and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 27 (1)(a) of the Cybercrime Act 2015.

”That you Chinendu Okpareke ‘m’ 49, and Dr Ikedi Ohakim ‘m’ and others now at large on the 13th day of August 2020 within the jurisdiction of this court did conspire among yourselves to cause annoyance and criminal intimidation to one Chinyere Amuchienwa ‘f’ and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 27 (1)(a) of the Cybercrime Act 2015.

”That you Chinendu Okpareke ‘m’ 49, and Dr Ikedi Ohakim ‘m’ and others now at large on the 13th day of August 2020 within the jurisdiction of this court did conspire among yourselves by knowingly and intentionally called and threatened one Chinyere Amuchienwa ‘f’ that if she does not drop the First Information charge of attempted kidnap against by it and others at large, the nude pictures of the said Chinyere Amuchienwa ‘f’ will be posted to CNN and all over the world and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 24 (1)(a) of the Cybercrime Act 2015.”

In a related development, an Upper Area Court sitting in Mpape, Abuja, has sentenced one Kingsley Ogam, who is said to be working for the former Governor to eight months in prison with an option of N30,000 fine.

In the charge marked CR/496/2020, Ogam was sentenced to prison on September 24, 2020.

According to the First Information Report (FIR), Ogam was arraigned before the court for defamation of character, injurious falsehood and criminal intimidation.

The prosecution said the offence is punishable under Section 392, 393 and 397 of the Penal Code Law.

Ogam was said to have defamed the character of Lady Chinyere Lilian Amuchienwa.

He was sentenced to prison by Mohammad Maraca after he pleaded guilty to the charges against him.

The court also ordered him to write an apology letter to Amuchienwa.

The judge instructed that Kingsley Ogam should tender an apology to lady Amuchienwa of which she rejected.

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