Hon. Agbese: A First Timer And His Report Card In Green Chamber


LAGOS – Hon. Philip Agbese, the House of Representatives member representing Ado/Okpokwu/ Ogbadibo Federal Constituency, is a first timer in the National Assembly.

So far, he has demonstrated outstanding performance in his role as a lawmaker and commitment to his constituency, through his unwavering commitment to humanitarian services.

A cursory look into activities of some young people elected into various offices shows that Hon. Agbese has been living up to expectations. Hon. Philip Agbese, Deputy Spokesman of the House, has so far proven that if young elements are given the opportunity, they can deliver as promised.

Read Also: Agbese Philip: A PEEK AT HIS 100 DAYS IN OFFICE

When Hon. Philip Agbese was elected, many people were non-committal, even as several people were skeptical that he would perform. However, after six months in the House of Representatives, Hon. Agbese seems to be proving the naysayers wrong.

Some of his achievements, according to sources close to his constituency, included mending fences with his opponents. After the heated campaigns coupled with legal battle through the Tribunal to Court of Appeal, Agbese extended an olive branch to his opponent with the belief that a united Enone is the panacea to development in the constituency.

He has been actively involved in the meetings of the Benue Rebirth Movement, which holds sway in the Benue South, where he interacts with budding politicians from the area for the betterment of the people and the area.

Whenever he contributes, it is always with studied wisdom, even as he humbly listens to other people’s contributions. He is also mature in listening to his critics and calmly responding when necessary in an atmosphere of peace.

During the yuletide, Hon. Agbese, popularly called Okanga K’Agila, unlike a typical Nigerian politician, gave out Christmas largesse worth about N200,000,000 and supported 1000 vulnerable constituents with N20,000,000 cash, which were shared across party lines and by extension neighbouring constituencies.

Read Also:  Chief Philip Agbese Bags Honorary Doctorate Degree in Political Leadership

Still on the Christmas largesse it was said that the Presidency gave out N100,000,000, but Hon. Agbese added his own N100,000,000 to make it N200,000,000 so that it would go round. He told his constituents to thank Mr. President and the Hon. Speaker Hon. Tajudeen Abbas for the gesture. This singular action endeared him to not only his constituents, but the entire Zone C and Benue State at large for being faithful.

On his legislative functions, so far, Hon. Philip Agbese, though a fresher, has sponsored a Bill for the Establishment of College of Agriculture in Ado LGA, which has passed Second Reading.

This, observers said, showed that Agbese is up for a good representation that deserves the collective support of all his constituents.

During the electioneering campaign, Hon. Philip Agbese told his constituents he would give the indigent students a scholarship if he won the election.

So far, he has released a huge amount for disbursement to 1,200 students across the three Local Government Areas that made up the constituency for the ‘Agbese’s Back To School Scholarship’ programme, which started with disbursement to 400 students in Okpokwu LGA. He has so far shown credibility as one to be trusted with his words.

So far, his contributions on the floor of the Green Chamber stand him out as one with legislative dexterity.

Peter Oche Ekele from Effa polling unit in Ugbokolo Ward Okpokwu LGA, while speaking on Hon. Agbese’s performance so far, stated: “Aje lo’oyona nmeyi’ in Idoma language means ‘a fertile soil is known by sight.’ Hon. Philip Agbese has proven himself by the way he hit the ground running, which was unprecedented.

“His commitment to national development shows he is a man Nigerians, especially the young elements should look out for. Coming to the interest of his constituents, he has been able to break the wall of separation between politicians in office and the electorates by being accessible to everybody, even his detractors, who he sees as people that will make him sit up, not as enemies.

“Our elected politicians in Nigeria display a common character, which is putting a wall between themselves and the electorates after winning an election, diverting whatever that is meant for the people, then releasing little of it in another election year to win the election.

“But, this is not found in Hon. Agbese as he believes he is a servant of the people of Enone, not the other way round. This singular act has endeared him to the heart of his constituents.

“Hon. Agbese’s commitment to educational development and literacy in his constituency has made a positive impact in this month, January, as he rolled out millions of naira to help over 1,200 indigent students of institutions of higher learning, tagged ‘Agbese Back To School Scholarship Scheme’, which disbursement he has started already to all the beneficiaries from Okpokwu, Ogbadibo LGAs with his Ado LGA, now next to be disbursed.


“The good people of Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal constituency now know the closeness of the government to them, having a kind hearted Hon. Philip Agbese leading the way.

READ ALSO: Enone 2023: Agbese Thanks Constituents, Dedicates Victory To God, Electorate

“My finding shows that he is known for these even when he was not a public figure. The scholarship programme is not a constituency project, but a fulfilment of a promise made during his campaigns which most politicians would have reneged on, claiming they were quoted out of context. In fact, he has proven to be taken seriously with his words.”

Lady Comfort Omerigwe from Osudu Play Ground Polling Unit in Akpoga/Ogbilolo Ward Ado LGA, said: “Hon.Philip Agbese is a man who is endowed with the humanitarian history, who never kept his asset, or wealth to himself, but looks out to the needs of the less privileged in the society and the Enone community at large.

“He is a man of the people with the sole purpose of reaching out to the craving needs of his constituency, even before assuming the office as Member of the House of Representatives, he has contributed immensely to the needs of his community and the Enone at large.

“Okanga, as a member of the House of Representatives, has introduced a scholarship scheme which has helped and continued to assist the less privileged in the society and the Enone community at large with the aim of improving, promoting the educational system within his constituency and encouraging literacy among his constituents through his scholarship scheme.

“Okanga K’Agila, as a member of the House of Representatives, has introduced a bill for establishment of College of Agriculture in Agila and has supported many motions in the floor of the House in the interest of the nation and his constituency.”

She stressed: “Chief Agbese has demonstrated outstanding performance through his unwavering commitment to humanitarian services.

“One notable initiative is his impactful back-to-school bursary scheme for indigent students. This scheme has not only eased the financial burden on struggling families, but also empowered numerous underprivileged students to pursue their education with zeal and determination.

“Chief Agbese’s dedication to education is reflected in the effectiveness of the bursary program, which has played a crucial role in ensuring that no deserving student is left behind due to financial constraints. This initiative has not only boosted literacy rates but has also contributed significantly to breaking the cycle of poverty in our community.

READ ALSO: Agbese Represents Speaker Abbas, Asks Nigerians To Pray For Tinubu, 10th NASS

“Moreover, Chief Agbese’s humanitarian services extend beyond education. His proactive approach to addressing the needs of the vulnerable demonstrates a genuine concern for the well-being of the constituents.

“Whether it is providing medical assistance, organising community outreach programmes, or supporting local charities, Chief Agbese consistently goes the extra mile to uplift the lives of those in need.

“In essence, Chief Philip Agbese’s remarkable performance as a House of Representative member is characterised by his visionary leadership, particularly in the realm of education and humanitarian services.

“The positive impact of his initiatives resonates deeply in our constituency, fostering a sense of hope and progress for a brighter future.”

According to Madam Kate Okpe Ai-Oono of Ward ll: “Hon. Agbese is a God sent to the people of Benue and its environs, his humanitarian services is not limited to his people in Ado LGA alone, but incorporated all tribes and religion, especially the down trodden and the under privileged in the society.

“May God almighty give him more wisdom and enable him to continue with this gesture. May the light of God continue to shine on his paths always. Amen.

Also, Vincent Ekoja Oneh from Aidogodo Polling Unit in Okpoga North Ward, stated: “To the glory of God, I personally want to appreciate the Good will and the enormous coverage of Chief Hon.Philip Agbese.

“The Honourable Representing Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal Constituency has done marvelously well as a human and we pray that the Lord almighty will continue to enlarge him and his political ambition.

“We assure him of his next step and to support him politically. Long live to Hon. Chief Agbese, long lived in the entire constituency.”

Comrade Aluh Moses Odeh, the National Leader, All Middle Belt Youth Forum (AMBYF), contributing, said: “Among his constituents, it is all-season rain of blessings for Hon. Agbese. Like Oliver Twist, we will continue to ask him for more.

“He should look in the direction of infrastructural development that is in tandem with his vision of an industrialised Enone, which will take many of our graduates and burgeoning youth off the streets for a greater Enone.”

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