Laylatul Qadr not for singing, dancing – UNIPORT chief Imam

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Chief Imam of the University of Port Harcourt, Prof AbdulRasaq Kilani, talks to ABDULLATEEF FOWEWE about the significance of the last 10 days of Ramadan

Can you explain the significance of Lailatul Qadr in Islam?

I am Prof AbdulRasaq Kilani, the Chief Imam of the University of Port Harcourt, River State. Laylatul Qadr holds immense significance in Islam as it is known as the night of power and majesty, a night that is better than a thousand months. It falls within the last 10 days of Ramadan, marking the beginning of the revelation of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims celebrate this night for its significance in seeking forgiveness and the belief that prayers are answered during this time. The Prophet instructed us to seek Laylatul Qadr on odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan. If one is fortunate enough to find Laylatul Qadr, they will be rewarded as if they had been worshipping Allah for 83 years and four months.

The night is dedicated to engaging in religious activities such as reading the Qur’an, performing tarawih (voluntary prayer), waking up for Qiyaamul layl (midnight prayer), engaging in Azkhar, and other acts of worship. It holds profound significance in the lives of all Muslims, and generations of Muslims look forward to it. However, celebrating Laylatul Qadr does not involve dancing or singing; rather, it is about engaging in Quranic recitation and the aforementioned activities, including giving charity to others.

How many people can see it in a year?

Every Muslim who fasts during the month of Ramadan has the opportunity and is expected to partake in Laylatul Qadr, as it is a time when people increase their religious activities. It is not limited to a single person, as some believe, but is meant for all Muslims regardless of gender, age, or position. It is not a privileged event; it is an event that includes all Muslims.

How is Laylatul Qadr different from other nights of Ramadan?

Laylatul Qadr is different because of the blessings associated with it. As stated in the Quran, Surah Al-Qadr, the night of Qadr is better than 1,000 nights.

What are the spiritual benefits of observing Laylatul Qadr?

Observing Laylatul Qadr is an act of worship that offers the opportunity to humble oneself and devote oneself to the worship of Allah. It is a night when all prayers and supplications are answered unless they are not lawful requests. The night also offers multiplied rewards and provides Muslims with the opportunity to bond and interact, as you will see Muslims gathering in mosques and relating to each other like siblings.

How should Muslims spend the night of Laylatul Qadr?

The best way to spend Laylatul Qadr is to observe Itikaf, which is seclusion in the mosque during the last 10 days of Ramadan. According to the description of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), anyone who wants to benefit from the night of majesty should seclude themselves in the last 10 days of Ramadan, engaging in acts of worship day and night. By doing so, they can be confident that they have benefited from the night of power, and the reward will be showered upon them.

During these days, Muslims should ensure they observe their five daily prayers in congregation, engage in abundant praise of Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins, as one of the objectives of Ramadan is to emerge from the month as pure as a newborn baby that has never sinned. It is believed that one who repents and seeks forgiveness from Allah for their sins is like someone who has not sinned at all. Let’s take advantage of Laylatul Qadr to repent and pray for everyone, including our country and its leaders, and let’s believe that our prayers will be answered.

Are there any specific prayers or acts of worship recommended for Laylatul Qadr?

Yes, there is a prayer recommended by the Prophet (peace be upon him), which is, ‘Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbu al-’afwa fa’fu ‘anni’ (O Allah, indeed you are pardoning, you love pardon, so pardon me). This prayer is recommended for Laylatul Qadr, but it does not mean that other prayers are not permissible. One can also engage in other prayers, but this is the recommended one by the Prophet for Laylatul Qadr.

How does the Quran describe the importance of Laylatul Qadr?

Surah Ad-Du’ah, Quran chapter 44 verse 2 describes it as ‘Laylatu Mubaraka’, which means, ‘A blessed night’. Suratul-l-Qadr describes it as a ‘night better than a thousand months’. The commencement of the revelation of the Qur’an started on that particular night. In Islam, it is believed that everything has its status, and Laylatul Qadr enjoys a pre-eminent position among all other nights, similar to how the day of Arafah enjoys pre-eminence among all other days, and the month of Ramadan enjoys pre-eminence among all other months, as ordained by God.

Are there any signs or indications mentioned in Hadith that help identify Laylatul Qadr?

Yes, there are signs and indications mentioned in Hadith that help identify Laylatul Qadr. The night will always be cool as if it wants to rain, or it may even rain, but the absence of rain does not mean it is not Laylatul Qadr.

How can one maximise the blessings of Laylatul Qadr?

To maximise the blessings of Laylatul Qadr, one should first intend to (go for Itikaf seclusion in the mosque) and should try to minimise the use of their phones. They should have a Quran with them and plan their tasks for the night. Decide on the number of Nawafil (voluntary prayers) you want to perform and ensure you observe your five daily prayers in the congregation. Avoid engaging in idle gossip that will not benefit you and make sure your business affairs are to avoid distractions. Take care of your health by drinking plenty of water and consuming fruits that are good for your health. Attend a mosque that follows the Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet) and avoids innovations in worship. The innovation I meant is introducing practices that are not part of Islam based on individual perspectives. For example, some mosques may organise dancing and singing for Laylatul Qadr, which is not part of Islamic tradition.

What significance does Laylatul Qadr have in the forgiveness of sins?

Laylatul Qadr plays a crucial role in the forgiveness of sins as Ramadan is a month known for forgiveness. It is like a race where you must continue to push harder to maintain your position and earn the forgiveness of God. Laylatul Qadr helps activate this forgiveness during Ramadan by allowing believers to connect with God and seek forgiveness sincerely. According to Islam, Allah is always ready to forgive those who are sincere and committed to not repeating their sins. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be unto him) advised believers to take advantage of the blessings of Ramadan to seek forgiveness for their sins; however, Laylatul Qadr offers you opportunities for your sins to be forgiven; irrespective of the magnitude of your sin, it will be forgiven.

Are there specific customs or practices connected to Laylatul Qadr in various cultures?

Yes, particularly in the Yoruba tradition, some devote the night to lectures until dawn, which was the custom I was raised with. Additionally, some choose a specific night, contrary to Allah’s guidance that Laylatul Qadr falls on odd-numbered days within the last 10 days of Ramadan, such as the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th. Selecting a specific day to celebrate annually is not in line with Laylatul Qadr.

How can Muslims ensure that they are spiritually ready for Laylatul Qadr?

First and foremost, one must have the willpower and determination to participate, along with a sincere intention to please Allah during Laylatul Qadr. After making preparations, one should head for a mosque where Itikaf is being observed, and the companions one chooses to stay with will also play a role in determining their level of seriousness. Also, when you arrive at the mosque, make sure to surround yourself with individuals who will support your worship and inspire you to improve.

Are there specific verses or chapters of the Quran that are recommended for recitation during Laylatul Qadr?

While there isn’t a specific chapter of the Quran specified for recitation during Laylatul Qadr, Allah urges us to continuously recite the Quran throughout the night. It is recommended to read the Quran from start to finish during this special night. Additionally, reciting even a single letter from the Quran during Ramadan will increase your rewards, and striving to recite despite any difficulty will earn you double rewards. Engaging in optional prayers (nawafil) frequently will also enhance your rewards.

Can you share any personal reflections or experiences regarding the blessings of Laylatul Qadr?

I have been performing Itikaf for years, and one thing I am certain of is that you will feel the impact of Itikaf on yourself and will receive help during this time.

What should one do if they are unable to observe Laylatul Qadr due to health or other reasons?

If an individual finds themselves in a situation where they are unable to partake in the observance of Laylatul Qadr, whether due to health concerns or other reasons, it is important for them to approach this situation with a sense of adaptability and resourcefulness. In such circumstances, one can certainly make adjustments to ensure they can still engage in the spiritual practices associated with this auspicious night at their house.

To begin with, it is recommended that individuals replicate the atmosphere of the traditional itikaf, where devotees seclude themselves in a mosque. Instead, they can transform their humble abode into a sanctuary of devotion. Rising at the crack of dawn, just as the first rays of the sun begin to illuminate the world, one can partake in the nawafil (optional prayers) that accompany Laylatul Qadr. Immerse yourself in the recitation of the Quran, invoking verses that resonate with the utmost divine wisdom and guidance.

Furthermore, it is essential to create an environment conducive to intense spiritual focus, where distractions are minimised. For instance, it is advisable to temporarily disconnect from the allure of modern technological devices, such as televisions and phones. By doing so, one can truly immerse themselves in the divine presence, ensuring undivided attention to prayers and supplications.

However, it’s not simply about abstaining from distractions; it’s also about making the most of the precious time during Laylatul Qadr. Thus, it is incumbent upon individuals to be mindful of how they utilise each moment during this sacred night. Striving to allocate the majority of one’s time toward acts of worship and deep introspection is highly encouraged. By channelling one’s energy and focus towards fervent devotion and reflection, one can fully seize the blessings and spiritual opportunities that Laylatul Qadr offers.

In essence, if circumstances prevent one from physically participating in the observance of Laylatul Qadr, adapting the religious practices typically associated with Itikaf can be a viable alternative. By committing to replicate the essence and intensity of this blessed night within the confines of one’s own home, individuals can continue to seek spiritual enlightenment and forge a deep connection with the Almighty, despite any hindrances that may arise. Moreover, in the Quran, it is stated that Muslims should worship Allah according to their capacity. Therefore, if one does not have the capacity to go for Itikaf, it is advised not to put one’s health in danger. It is better to stay at home and worship according to one’s capacity, as Allah will understand.

What are some misconceptions people have about Lailatul Qadr?

One common misconception is that Laylatul Qadr is a specific day in the year. However, it is not tied to a specific day and can vary from year to year, possibly falling on the 23rd one year and the 27th the next. Another misconception is the belief that one must choose a specific day among the last 10 nights for the Laylatul Qadr prayer, or even perform it every night. However, the essence of this night of power lies in discipline, not in overindulgence. Some also mistakenly associate the night with activities like singing and dancing, which are not in line with Islamic teachings. Engaging in such activities may not constitute observing Lailatul Qadr but rather unnecessary stress and distraction.

What advice will you offer to Muslims to spiritually and morally benefit the most from Laylatul Qadr?

Since Laylatul Qadr occurs only once a year, it should be treated as a precious opportunity. Every moment of it should be cherished as if it were the last chance. If one has the opportunity to be alive during Laylatul Qadr, it should be approached as if it is the last one in life. This means that you have to focus and minimise any form of distraction. No one knows when their last moment will be, so making the most of the opportunity is crucial. For those participating in Itikaf, the same principle applies: perform the worship as if it were the last one. Avoid distractions and ensure that the worship is done properly. Additionally, one should not limit their requests to Allah. He is generous and gives to those who ask. Therefore, one should not hesitate to ask for whatever they need or desire, as there is no request too big for Allah to fulfil.

Is it appropriate for Muslims to sell cooked food while others are fasting?

In Nigeria, which is not an Islamic state, there is complete freedom of religion. In an Islamic country, it is uncommon to see people eating or selling food during the day during Ramadan. However, for Muslims who do sell food during this time, their actions are ultimately judged by Allah, as it may be their only means of sustaining themselves and their families. In an Islamic system of government, provisions are typically made for such individuals during Ramadan, but such a system is not in place in Nigeria, so passing judgment on them is not appropriate.

In Kano State, Hisbah is known for arresting people who eat or sell food during Ramadan. Is this practice appropriate in Islam?

Under Sharia law, Hisbah acts as a moral police force enforcing public morality. Kano State implemented Sharia law in 2000. However, before arresting individuals for eating or selling food during Ramadan, it is important to consider whether adequate enlightenment and advocacy were provided before the start of Ramadan. Additionally, were alternative provisions made for these individuals? Without proper preparation and education, the arrests may give Sharia law a negative reputation. It’s crucial to understand that Sharia law is not about punishment but rather about maintaining peace and order. Therefore, proper background work and enlightenment should precede arrests.

According to Islamic teachings, women who are menstruating are exempt from fasting during Ramadan. However, this does not mean that they should eat publicly. Decorum in Islam suggests that those not fasting should eat in places where they are not visible to others.

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