Nigeria better as one, says Osinbajo

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AMID the rising call for secession, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo says the country is better as one.

Osinbajo stated this on Saturday during an interactive session with top officials of Nigeria’s High Commission in the United Kingdom, held at the Abuja House residence of the High Commissioner in London.

Senior Special Assistant to the Vice President on Media and Publicity, Laolu Akande, revealed this yesterday in a statement titled, ‘United as one people, Nigeria will overcome present challenges, says Osinbajo.’

According to the Vice President, “If you look at all of us sitting here, we represent all the geo-political zones. This is the Nigeria that will succeed, anything else doesn’t make sense.”

He said citizens at home and in the diaspora should promote the message of one country, noting that “anybody who looks at how Nigeria operates will recognise that we are better off in this system, and that is the truth.

“Yoruba are not better off on their own, Igbo are not better off on their own, the North is not better off on its own. We are better off as one nation, that is why we are strong and that is why we can face the world.

“Everywhere in the world today, people are coming together to form stronger units, they are not breaking up, this is not the time to break up.

“If you read of the economics of smaller nations, they are looking for ways of how they can become stronger by aligning with other nations. How does a country with all the potentials and everything that we have, think that the best way is to break up?”

Speaking further, the Vice President explained that “we are at a point in time in our history where we have security challenges, we have economic challenges, and if you talk about security, there are so many dimensions to it.

“If you look carefully, all of these could happen to any government and I think we are in the very best position to solve the problems that face us today.”

He added that the security challenges of the country did not show up in one day “but it is the government, the people, the men and women that will handle them.”

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