Abia governor orders security agencies to fish out kidnappers of siblings

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Governor Alex Otti of Abia has issued a directive to the state’s security agencies to locate the commercial motorcyclist who fled with three schoolchildren from the same family in Amaoba Oboro, Ikwuano Local Government Area.

The three siblings—Gideon Osinachi (8 years old), Divine Osinachi (6 years old), and Israel Osinachi (4 years old)—were reportedly abducted on their way home from school in Amaoba Ime Oboro, Ikwuano, on Friday, May 10.

It was reported that their grandmother had placed the three children on a commercial motorcycle to take them home. However, the unidentified motorcyclist vanished with them without a trace.

In response to this distressing incident, the Mayor of Ikwuano LGA, Honorable Osinachi Nwaka, promptly mobilized all security agencies to begin immediate efforts to locate the missing children.

Briefing Government House Correspondents in Umuahia after this week’s Executive Council Meeting, Commissioner for Information and Culture Prince Okey Kanu, said the Governor had also reached out to the family of the kids.

He stated that the Governor had also reached out to the children’s family, assuring them of a timely and safe recovery of the children while advising parents against entrusting their children to strangers.

Ikwuano LGA Mayor Nwaka, had also called on eyewitnesses or individuals with relevant information on the incident to contact the nearest police station or utilize the following hotlines: 0803 427 0914, 0803 797 8707, 0806 259 8068.

Nwaka also extended the solidarity and support of the people of Ikwuano to the distressed family while calling on all communities in the Local Government to be security conscious as well as rally together for the safe return of Gideon, Divine, and Israel Osinachi.

The Nation had reported that the parents of the children Mrs. Glory Osinachi and her husband, Mr. Osinachi Eluwa have been devastated by the disappearance of their children.

Their traumatized mother was said to have been admitted in a private hospital in the state where she’s said to be receiving medical attention.

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