FG donates relief materials to 1,000 windstorm victims in Nasarawa

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About 1,000 victims of windstorm across the 13 local government areas of Nasarawa State have received relief materials from the Federal Government thorough the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI). 

Some communities across the State recorded windstorms with many families and communities homeless. 

The national commissioner of the commission Aliyu Tijjani Ahmed, who donated food and non food items to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) made the presentation at the Government House Lafia. 

He announced that apart from the relief items which include foodstuff and other essentials, the government had mapped out plans to construct skills acquisition centres for IDPs in Nasarawa and other states of the federation for the benefit of the young citizens who may be out of school for some time. 

Tijjani explained the commission came up with measures to guard against short changing victims in the distribution of relief materials provided, adding that the federal government under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu sees the needs of IDP as a top priority of his administration. 

He reiterated the commission’s dedication to addressing the pressing needs of IDPs. Noting that no one regardless of age or vulnarable should be left without vital support 

He commiserated with all those who have lost their families, homes and sources of livelihood occasioned by banditry, natural disasters as a result of climate change and other forms of disaster.

“Government under the amiable leadership of  Abdullahi A. Sule and the Commission have not forgotten you. We shall stand with you through thick and thin until your livelihood is fully restored in a dignified manner.

The National Commissioner also sought for a stronger collaboration between the commission and the Nasarawa State Government through open dialogue with Governor Abdullahi Sule..

Sule expressed gratitude to President Bola Tinubu and the commission for responding promptly to the needs of the affected persons.

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