Foundation Offers Scholarship To 191 Students

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The Unubiko Foundation has offered scholarship to 191 university students of various disciplines across the country under its 2024 scholarship award.

Speaking at the award ceremony in Umuahia, the Abia State capital, the vice chancellor of the state University, Uturu, Prof. Onyemachi Ogbulu described the offer as a rear opportunity.

Represented by the deputy vice chancellor (Academics) of the university, Prof. Godwin Emezue, Ogbulu urged the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the opportunity to better their future.

He extolled the founder and president of the foundation, Chief James Umeh for his committment to improve people’s live through scholarship award, health-care services, and community development.

The vice chancellor, who was also the chairman of the occasion, described Umeh as a man who lives and breathes philanthropy through the foundation among other avenues.

“This is a clear testimony that the founder and president of the foundation has vision for better future for our youths,” he added, and prayed God to reward Umeh bountifully for the gesture.  

In her remarks, the state commissioner for education and member of the scholarship board of the foundation,  Prof Uche Eme-Uche appreciated Umeh for empowering the youths through education.

According to her, the gesture is in line with the commitment of the Dr Alex Otti-led administration in the state to provide quality education and capacity building for the youths.

Earlier in his address, Umeh said the awards were not just financial assistance, but a testimony to the power of opportunity and believe in the potential of every student to excel in life.

Represented by his brother, Mr Chinasa Umeh, the founder and president restated the commitment of the foundation to provide access to education for the youths and congratulated the beneficiaries.

One of the beneficiaries, Johnson Chidera, responding on behalf of others, commended Umeh and the foundation for the offer, describing the selection process of the beneficiaries as very transparent.


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