‘How to transform Nigerian Army into highly-motivated force’

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Major-General Adekunle Adeyinka, Commander of the Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport (CCST), has emphasised the need for concerted efforts to transform the Nigerian Army into a well-trained, adequately-equipped, and highly-motivated force.

He stressed that officers and men must strictly adhere to the command philosophy of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja.

Adeyinka made the remarks on Wednesday, May 29, at the opening of CCST’s combined first and second-quarter 2024 conference at the headquarters of the Nigerian Army School of Supply and Transport (NASST) in Isihor, Benin, Edo state.

The conference had a theme: “Repositioning CCST for the Delivery of Effective Logistic Support to the Nigerian Army in a Joint Environment.”

The commander of CCST also charged personnel of NASST to ensure that there was standardised delivery of supplies and transport support to the Nigerian army across board, in every theatre and operation.

He noted that the conference was a medium to re-assess the performance of the corps thus far, while also serving as a platform to rijig the activities for optimal and efficient output, in support of the Nigerian army operations and other engagements in the field, while taking seriously their constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment.

Adeyinka pointed out that the conference provided an avenue for all supply and transport officers across Nigeria to come and re-access their performance towards achieving the command philosophy of the chief of army staff.

He said: “The conference is to ensure that our activities, work, thinking, preparation and training are all geared towards optimal delivery on our tasks and our responsibilities, heavily guarded by the Chief of Army Staff’s command and philosophy.

“The conference holds every quarter. It is an avenue for us to mainly brainstorm to re-access what we have done, to look at what we need to do and to also ensure that those gaps that we see from our deliberations, the new ideas that we come across during the discussion session, and we are able to share them and deliver as one.

“What the participants stand to gain significantly is the sharing of ideas, because you have officers from all the divisions, the supplies of transport officers from all the divisions across the country, so that we can share expertise among ourselves.”

The commander of CCST also noted that participants at the conference would also focus on happenings in other areas and what they could learn from them while sharing their own best practices with colleagues from other areas.

Adeyinka pointed out that all the efforts were to ensure that there was standardised delivery of supplies and transport support to the Nigerian army across the board.

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