APC still a ‘mixture’ of political parties –Ganduje

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GOVERNOR Abdullahi Ganduje has lamented lack of homogeneity in the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) saying the party is still a mixture of political parties even eight years after its formation.

Ganduje, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science Education from Ahmad Bello University, Kano, brought his knowledge of science, particularly Chemistry, to bear on his analysis of the state of affairs in the APC.
He said the party had yet to move to the next level of graduating from a “mixture” to a “compound.”

The governor spoke yesterday at a town hall meeting organised by the APC Constitutional Review Committee for the North West held in Kano.

Ganduje said, “The APC as a party started as a mixture of the ACN, ANPP, APGA, PDP, CPC.

“That is a mixture of various elements trying to make a compound.

“But unfortunately, up till now, the APC is still a ‘mixture’ and has not graduated to the next level to become a ‘compound.’

“Those who read Chemistry know the difference between a ‘mixture’ and a ‘compound.’

“A ‘mixture’ is something that you can easily separate its particles if you use ions, while in a ‘compound,’ any part you remove, it will still be the same.

“With this review, we will look into that. While redirecting all those appendages, we will now come to have a single and indivisible party as an entity.”

Ganduje stated that the culture of democratic practice in the country is to abandon all party structures after every election.

He added, “Our culture in democratic practice in Nigeria is that after elections, parties are abandoned until when another election is around the corner.

“But our great party, the APC, now said no to this. Even during elections, you will see that it is only candidates who control parties, not party leaders. We also said no to this.”

Ganduje said with the constitution review meeting, the party was re-assessing the process and the situation.

At the end of it, he said the party would produce a document that will control the conduct of the party people and government at all levels.

He said, :“APC, as a party had made numerous mistakes and paid for it, therefore, it is time to look back and review some of the lapses, so as to redress anomalies in the conduct of governance.”

The APC was formed on February 6, 2013 purposely to wrest the reins of power from the then ruling People’s Democratic Party.

The APC is an amalgam of four major parties, including, ACN, ANPP, nPDP( a splinter group from the then ruling party) and CPC, formed to defeat a behemoth which the PDP had become prior to the 2015 general election.

Ganduje’s reaction was made against the background that the APC has not risen above certain fault lines; that members allegiances are to constituent parties instead of working towards making the party an indivisible entity.

The Kano State Governor’s comment came days after his Ekiti counterpart, Kayode Fayemi, said there was no real political parties in Nigeria noting that what currently passes for political parties are mere plaforms for the pursuit of ambitions.

Fayemi said a proper political party is driven by unique ideologies and ideals.

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