Ayade best governor in Nigeria – Garba Shehu

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SENIOR Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, has described Governor Ben Ayade as the best in the country in terms of governance.

Shehu also hailed Ayade as a material for national politics following his defection to the All Progressives Congress.

Shehu, while speaking on the sidelines of the award of the Governor of the Year on Agro-Industrialization on Ayade by the Blueprint newspapers at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, last week, said, “I will just say we are excited about his coming to the APC.”

According to him, the governor has a lot to bring to the table, noting that “Ayade is a man of huge intellectual capacity and I think in terms of governance, he is the best.

“The President has been to Cross River a couple of times. We went with the President and we saw the very innovative things he is doing with agriculture and all of that. So it is a big plus for APC and we are quite pleased that he has joined us.”

He said Ayade deserved the Governor of the Year awarded to him, adding that “all the awards are merited. So I congratulate him. I will tell him that he is material for national politics beyond Cross River.”

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