FCT Police dislodge bandits, rescue 16 abducted victims

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Operatives of the FCT Police Command have dislodged several bandits and also rescued16 kidnap victims in some forests bordering Abuja and Kogi State.

The operatives, who acted on intelligence, were said to have stormed the forests on Sunday, January 1, 2023, following reports of kidnappings in Anguwan Yango, Gulida, Chakumi, and Paikon Bassa villages in the Abaji area council.

However, the heavily armed bandits engaged the policemen in a shootout for hours, but the operatives overpowered them and rescued 16 victims from their den, as the bandits fled.

This was confirmed by the FCT Police Public Relations Officer, Josephine Adeh, noting that the rescued victims had already been reunited with their families.

“The rescued victims were taken to a hospital and afterwards reunited with their families”.

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