Gunmen attack Chris Uba’s convoy, kill two security operatives

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Last night, armed individuals ambushed a truck that was allegedly owned by Chief Chris Uba, the self-proclaimed political godfather of Anambra.

According to a source, two police officers who were associated with the politician were killed while bullets were flying through the convoy’s cars. Additionally, rumours circulated that Mr. Val Ozigbo, a prominent member of the Labour Party and another politician, just missed being attacked.

According to the insider, “We saw what transpired. There was a gunfight when Chris Uba’s convoy ran upon the guys stationed at UGA intersection.

Because he was travelling in a bulletproof car, Uba was able to flee, but the police officers were not so fortunate and perished.

As Val Ozigbo and his family were returning from Owerri, he noticed a convoy approaching him fiercely and making an attempt to push him off the road. He motioned for his driver to pull over so the other convoy could pass.

“They encountered the gunmen at UGA crossroads shortly after passing Ozigbo; they opened fire, killing two police officers. Ozigbo, who had parked throughout the event, discovered afterwards that Uba’s convoy had been attacked.

It was discovered that the men intended to abduct the lawmaker. There were reports of numerous injuries, but it was unclear if any persons had been taken hostage.

In the meantime, a manhunt for the attackers has been initiated, according to a press release issued by DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, the spokesperson for the state police command.

According to the announcement, on December 28, 2023, at approximately 18.30 hours (6.30 p.m.), two police personnel were slain by armed rebels who had entered from a nearby state. As a result, the Ambra State Police Command initiated an extensive manhunt for these individuals.

The group, who appeared to be on a kidnapping expedition while dressing in military fatigues, was startled to discover two armed police officers moving towards them. In an attempt to break up the traffic jam, they started shooting at the officers who had moved in front of the convoy they were leading. The robbers were forced to escape as other officers returned fire, being cautious not to hit too many passing cars.

“A mobile Forward Operating Base commanded by police, which had been conducting rigorous patrols around the area during the Christmas season, arrived at the location without delay.

It defused an improvised explosive device that was discovered inside the Lexus SUV the gang was using. An AK-47 rifle that belonged to one of the killed servicemen was also found.

“CP Aderemi Adeoye, the Commissioner of Police, who had designated the Christmas and weekend holidays as special working days for all officers and men in the Command, praised all staff members for their valiant and unceasing efforts in protecting the people of Anambra State.

He pleaded with them to take courage from their gallantry in taking on the criminal group instead of letting the extreme cost paid by their Enugu State Command colleagues demoralise them.

“He expressed his condolences to the families of the fallen policemen as well as the Enugu State Police Command, promising that the officers’ deaths would not be in vain.

“He has asked the Anambra State Police Command’s officers and men to step up their efforts and maintain their vigilance. He gave his word that technology will be used to find the perpetrators responsible for the attack on police officers.

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