How Kuriga children played significant role in rescue efforts – DHQ

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The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) says the level of distress created by the abducted Kuriga school children provided sufficient grounds for the troops to exploit and rescue them.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, made this known while briefing newsmen on Thursday in Abuja on the operations of the armed forces across the country.

Buba said the pressure of military operations also created a significant level of distress for the terrorists, making it more convenient for troops to rescue the 137 schoolchildren on March 24.

”The armed force is bent on sustaining the winning ways of our operational engagements as demonstrated with the recent rescue of 16 and 137 hostages in Sokoto and Kaduna States, respectively.

“The success demonstrates the unwavering commitment of the armed forces to secure and protect the citizens against harm and acts of terror.

“The level of distressed created by the children was sufficient enough for troops to exploit in their rescue,” he added. (NAN)

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