Sunday Igboho backtracks, says he never promised to finish Boko Haram

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Yoruba rights activist, Chief Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho has debunked a newspaper report which quoted him as saying that he could finish off Boko Haram fighters without government’s support.

Reacting to the report that was published by the major newspaper (not The PUNCH) on Monday, the aggrieved Sunday Igboho described the news as an unfounded falsehood and a figment of the writer’s imagination.

Decrying the rate at which fake news are being circulated on various platforms in the country, he said the profession should be regulated in order to check the overbearing excesses.

According to him, the publication titled, ‘I can finish off BokoHaram without government’s support’ is uncalled for, a total fabrication and a mere sensation which the author failed to substantiate before publishing.

Sunday Igboho has been in the news in recent time for his stern position against crime and criminality in the Ibarapa /Oke Ogun axis of Oyo State by suspected killer herdsmen.

He warned carriers of fake news about him to desist from what he described as the ignoble act saying, “I shall not continue to watch or fold my arms while these people spread falsehood and damaging information about me.”

The Igboho-born activist said he had no business with the Boko Haram sect, hence there was no basis for him to have made such claim. He stressed that his major preoccupation was the security of lives and properties of the people of the South-West geo-political zone who were being killed and oppressed in their own land by visitors.

He lamented the spate of insecurity in the South-West where he said the herders had made life short and brutish to the inhabitants with special reference to the grassroots people.

He stated that there is no adequate security for lives and property saying that justice had been widely compromised by the leadership as well as the law enforcement agents for ulterior motives.

Sunday Igboho alleged that “The suspected killer herdsmen were responsible for several heinous crimes which culminated into the killings of both prominent and common men across the South-West states.”

According to him, the governments at all levels in the country should expedite actions by ensuring safety of lives and properties of the citizenry.

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